Bouncing Box

A Python Flappy Birds Clone


Key Details

Made using Python and PyGame.

Made as part of my university placement work to prove that I had gained knowledge in using Python.

Uses Python classes and contains a thread for use with spawning the obstacles.

Source code on GitHub

Online version of the documentation


This was a basic game made in Python as part of my university placement work to prove that I had gained knowledge in using the language. It also uses PyGame. As part of my university placement I learnt and used the Python scripting language to test electronic boards when they were manufactured. This was to make sure that all of the outputs and inputs on the board worked correctly. I had to update an old python script that used things such as threading to do this. Part of the requirements for the placement years was to document improvement over time. As I had never used Python before I decided to prove that I had gained some knowledge of Python by making a simple game in the language that used at least one thread. Whilst I did successfully make a basic Flappy Birds clone, I also came to the conclusion while doing it that Python is not really a language that should be used for making games.

© 2024 Jamie Slowgrove